
Tremendous advances in radiology allow Loving Care Animal Hospital to obtain high-definition X-rays that can be a crucial diagnostic tool for a variety of patient conditions. For issues that may require more than a physical examination and blood tests to achieve a diagnosis, our radiology services allow unparalleled insight toward the health of your pet. This technology can be used to evaluate almost any organ in the body, including the heart, lungs, abdominal organs and even the bones.

Radiography is painless, safe, and completely non-invasive, while only using a very low doses of radiation. Since the level of radiation exposure needed to perform radiography is extremely low, even pregnant females and very young pets can undergo radiography successfully. Radiographs can be used to evaluate bones as well as the size, shape, and position of many of the body’s organs, allowing unparalleled insight into the health and well-being of your pet.

We’re consistently amazed at the insights that effective radiology can give us, allowing us to diagnose, treat and prevent a wide variety of possible medical ailments, often before they become problematic.


The feline patient seen in the X-ray above had been vomiting and feeling ill for several days before coming to see us. We never expected to find that he had eaten his owner’s sewing needle.