In laser therapy, the laser is designed to deliver a specific amount of light energy, pinpointed to reach the exact area where treatment is needed. This energy increases blood flow, bathing tissues in healthy fluids and allowing the harmful chemicals associated with inflammation to be washed away, decreasing pain. Laser energy also stimulates cellular growth and regeneration to dramatically speed healing and recovery time. What all of this means to you and your pet is faster healing, less pain, less scarring, and a more natural return to normal after injury, illness, surgery, and in chronic conditions.
The application of the laser is completely noninvasive and pain free. In fact, most patients thoroughly enjoy their treatment and are excited to come in to see us, because it includes a relaxing massage.
In our veterinary hospital, laser therapy has been shown to be extremely effective in almost every disorder we treat. Dogs and cats with arthritis have shown rapid improvement after just a few treatments with the laser. Many of these patients do so well that their pain medications and anti-inflammatories are able to be stopped or decreased in dosing, saving money in the long term for their owners. Dogs with back injuries who typically would take 6 months to learn to walk normally have shown dramatic improvement in a matter of days. One of the most amazing successes we have had is in the treatment of anal gland infections. The majority of patients with anal gland abscesses develop such significant scarring that the infection continues to recur through their life. We have found that adding laser therapy to the treatment leads to minimal scarring, rapid healing, and no continually recurrent problems.

In fact, we know that this treatment is so effective and affordable, that we offer a Free First Treatment so that pet owners can see firsthand, the profound effects of Laser Therapy on the happiness and health of their pet!